Get Your Custom Budget

26. Navigating 3 Big Repairs at Once with Jackie

Season #2

What would you do if three major home repairs fell in your lap all at once? Can you think of a possible plan of action easily, or would this kind of life event paralyze you financially? Today, Jackie comes on the podcast to share about this happening to her family. Jackie is a mom of three who works in medical sales. She's always budgeted in some form and has used the Debt Free Mom template for a little over a year. Listen to her story of navigating these major expenses that all happened in the middle of job change!

If you'd like to start pay period budgeting like Jackie, you can get the Debt Free Mom Mini Course & Template for just $9! You'll get the signature spreadsheet template to plan out all your income and expenses, plus several explainer videos to help get you started. Head over to to get the Mini Course today for just $9.


If you have a story of how you handled an unexpected expense, or if you're in the middle of dealing with one and need some guidance, you can apply to be a guest on this season of the Debt Free Mom Podcast. Just fill out the application at