Get Your Custom Budget

17. Patching the Holes in Your Sinking Funds with Lacey

Lacey is a full-time accountant who has been married for nine years and they have floated in and out of being debt free, most recently a move in 2021, putting them back into debt. She lives and breathes numbers and spreadsheets professionally, but didn't find a budgeting system that stuck until trying the Debt Free Mom template. Lacey comes on today to talk about sinking funds, saving, setting aside money in advance and organizing bank accounts.



Do you ever get to the end of the month and think where did my money even go or sit there feeling like you are sick of living paycheck to paycheck? You are not the only one. Over the years that I've spent coaching women and families with their finances, I've discovered four common reasons that budgets often fall apart.

Not every budget suffers from all four problems, but even one of these flaws could make your money management frustrating unworkable and unbearable. Join me for a free workshop that will teach you about these four reasons budgets fail. You'll learn how to recognize each of the four errors in your own budget, correct each error so that your budget is accurate and realistic, and stick with the budget so that it works in your real life. Start your journey toward budgeting with confidence and contentment today!

Click here to register for my free workshop 4 Reasons Budgets Fail and How to Make Your Succeed.

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